Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Semester and New Contributions

I recently returned to Heidelberg and many are wondering why my blog completely (dramatically put) failed last semester.  My computer basically (dramatically put) exploded and all photos were deleted.  Nevertheless I am back and ready to start a continuous stream of blogging.  To start, the ground is absent of snow.  A sad surprise, but I am beginning to think it is a blessing.  I don't think I could successfully go a day without falling down our massive hill if even a trace of ice were on the ground.  However, we have all seen a lot more sun and the city is as beautiful as ever with clear cold nights, and bright mornings.

What was expected...

...and what was seen....

Next, awards season is on its way, and, being in Heidelberg, I must either stay up until the early hours of the morning watching them on sling box or find a way to watch them the next day.  Either way I am irritated because the thrill of watching these fabulous shows live on a big screen is out of the question.  Through looking at my daily sites (People, EW, rotten tomatoes, and CNN) I intensely studied all fashions and winners.  As unhappy as I was to hear Ricky Gervais was hosting the Golden Globes yet again, he wasn't too bad.  Now, onto my favorite part; the best look, and most disappointing.  

Let's start with the bad and end on a good note.

I wouldn't say this was the worst dress of the night, but it was the biggest wardrobe disappointment.  Everyone was anxiously awaiting the A-listers appearance, only to be let down with this unflattering Versace gown that washed out her skin.  Known for the deep towns and flowing gowns Jolie wears, she daringly switched it up, and was unsuccessful.  The off-kilter red neck-line threw off the look.  If the neckline was more like a V-neck and true to the major color, the look would seem vastly better with the clutch and a pair of red shoes.

Last year, the fashion "It-girl" was Mila Kunis, but Emma Stone has given the Black Swan star a run for her money.  Stone truly blew everyone away with her belted Lanvin gown.  The deep reds flatter her peachy skin color and the shoulders and belt provide an edgy vibe to the feminine V-neck dress.  With the specific neckline and shoulders, the ideal choice was a simplistic updo.  She also went for something new; a belt instead of jewelry that perfectly completed the look.  Well done!

Best Win and Worst of the Night

Just from watching the Pilot of American Horror Story, anyone can see Jessica Lange presented an eerily fabulous performance as a Southern Belle with evil secrets.  Her characterization and acting was truly incredible, having her lead the series.  I was so happy to see her win, and felt she deserved it most.  After all, she made the series, and helped create such a complex character that kept surprising.

I hate to say it but I was disappointed to see Meryl Streep winning once again for best actress.  Honestly, it should have gone to Viola Davis for The Help.  Yes Meryl Streep portrayed one of the most important female figures, but The Iron Lady keeps receiving mixed reviews and The Help's co-star won as a supporting actress.  I was expecting Viola Davis.  She was inspiring and is in every single movie she is in.  I hope when Oscar-time rolls around, the Academy will catch side of this.

Next up is the London Film Critics circle awards...and some more recipes by me :)

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